2009 Noise Complaint Log
2/3 14:30 Kathy Hibbard. 579-4974 Red Helicopter buzzing her farm for 10 minutes Logged. Called her back for more info.
2/8 16:20 Lou Dobbs, Lyons. 579-2244 Blue Bi-plane doing aerobatics over Lyons for 15 minutes and over water treatment plant. Called her back and logged it.
2/24 10:55 Zweck Helicopter flying over making too many passes
2/28 10:45 Zweck White and silver Cessna making too many passes over the farm. It’s high enough and not noisy, just went over the farm too many times.
3/1 14:50 James Ray. 13615 Vermillion Trail. 702-0393 House being buzzed way too much today and wants it to stop. There shouldn’t be this much traffic here. Called him for more info on 3/2 and logged it.
3/13 10:30 Brenda Leach, Chance Acres, 525-3660 Called to complain about too much traffic over flying her subdivision and wants planes to vary their pattern. Called her back to discuss the problem;
4/22 08:22 James Ray. Vermillion Trail. 523-3804 Called to complain about a plane buzzing his house early this morning and wants it stopped. Called him back to discuss the issue and help identify the aircraft.
5/6 19:30 James Ray. Vermillion Trail. 523-3804 Called to complain about a plane buzzing his house early this evening and wants it stopped. Called him back to discuss the issue and help identify the aircraft.
5/9 07:40 Rany Cox. 902-3120. 8695 Skyline Drive, Niwot. Called to complain about a small airplane, maybe a Cherokee 6, making high speed passes and steep turns over the neighborhood. He was a pilot and the plane was at altitude. It’s just annoying and the pilot is not being a good neighbor. Happened between 6:30 and 7:30 a.m. Called him back to discuss the issue and help identify the aircraft.
5/9 16:15 Ron Korsh, 772-9521, Chance Acres Called to complain about MHSC climbing and descending. The plane is too noisy and it is all day long. He talked to Frank and Frank advised he was limited by FAA. He wants to know what else can be done. I called him back to discuss the issue with him.
5/16 15:30 Ron Korsh, 772-9521, Chance Acres Called to complain about MHSC climbing and descending. The plane is too noisy and it is all day long. He talked to Frank and Frank advised he was limited by FAA. He wants to know what else can be done. He wants to take measure further since he is getting no relief. I called him back to set up a meeting with me and Frank.
5/16 15:45 Set. 440-6953. West of Table Mtn. Called to complain about MHSC. Plane making noise all day long. He talked to MHSC but it only got worse and is destroying quality of life. Wants to move forward to City Council and wants a meeting with me asap. Called him back to discuss and set up a meeting.
5/24 10:30 Becky. Attended Silver Creek Graduation. 772-3837 Called to complain that three airplanes created a disturbance during the graduation. She thought schools were restricted air space. Called her back to discuss the issue
5/25 11:00 Kim. Lives in Lyons. 823-8713 Called to complain about an airplane doing aerobatics over Rabitt Mountain. Called her back to discuss the issue.
5/26 16:00 Lou Dobbs. Lyons. 579-2244 Called to complain about aerobatics over Lyons and wants to know if the FAA reauthorized that air space for stunt planes. Called her back to discuss the issue and put her in contact with the FAA to discuss the aeronautics box.
5/26 17:05 Janice Grant. Lyons. 823-9397 Called to complain about aerobatics over Lyons and wants to know if the FAA reauthorized that air space for stunt planes. Called her back to discuss the issue and put her in contact with the FAA to discuss the aeronautics box.
5/27 10:00 Rick Breese. Lyons. 823-6407 Called to complain about aerobatics over Lyons and wants to know if the FAA reauthorized that air space for stunt planes. Called her back to discuss the issue and put her in contact with the FAA to discuss the aeronautics box.
6/4 08:45 Frank Marberger. S.E. Longmont. 875-7555 Called to complain about a small airplane dive bombing where he lives and wanted to file a complaint. Called him back to discuss the issue.
6/6 08:50 C.J. Metzger. CEMEX Plant in Lyons. 823-2133 Called to complain about a helo that buzzed the plant about 50 feet above the ground. N8355F. Called him back to discuss the issue. After investigation the helo belongs to a company in LoDo, Kauffman Wells and is a jet ranger.
6/7 10:30 David Thom. Lives west of the airport. 776-7351 Called to complain about the Mile-Hi plane flying noisily over his house to the point he can’t talk on the phone. Called him back to discuss the issue.
6/7 19:50 Jane Shellenberg Called to complain about a red and yellow plane flying really low over her house many times. I could hear the plane in the background Called her back to discuss the issue.
6/8 16:40 Todd. Lives in Lyons. 823-9713 Called to complain about aerobatics over Lyons and wants to know if the FAA reauthorized that air space for stunt planes. Called him back to discuss the issue and put him in contact with the FAA to discuss the aeronautics box.
6/10 16:50 Rachel. Lives at the intersection of Nelson and Airport. 651-6254 Called to complain about a helo practicing at the airport and flying over her apartment and waking her baby. Called her back to discuss the issue.
6/12 16:30 Rick Breese. Lyons. 823-6407 Called to complain about aerobatics over Lyons and wants to know if the FAA reauthorized that air space for stunt planes. Called him back to discuss the issue and put her in contact with the FAA to discuss the aeronautics box.
6/12 16:30 Janice Grant. Lyons. 823-9397 Called to complain about aerobatics over Lyons and wants to know if the FAA reauthorized that air space for stunt planes. Called her back to discuss the issue and put her in contact with the FAA to discuss the aeronautics box.
6/17 11:30 Lou Dobbs. Lyons. 579-2244 Called to complain about aerobatics over Lyons and wants to know if the FAA reauthorized that air space for stunt planes. Called her back to discuss the issue and put her in contact with the FAA to discuss the aeronautics box.
6/17 14:15 Rick Breese. Lyons. 823-6407 Called to complain about aerobatics over Lyons and wants to know if the FAA reauthorized that air space for stunt planes. Called him back to discuss the issue and put her in contact with the FAA to discuss the aeronautics box.
6/18 11:30 Lou Dobbs. Lyons. 579-2244 Called to complain about aerobatics over Lyons and wants to know if the FAA reauthorized that air space for stunt planes. Called her back to discuss the issue and put her in contact with the FAA to discuss the aeronautics box.
6/18 13:45 Rick Breese. Lyons. 823-6407 Called to complain about aerobatics over Lyons and wants to know if the FAA reauthorized that air space for stunt planes. Called him back to discuss the issue and put her in contact with the FAA to discuss the aeronautics box.
6/20 114:45 Deb Britton. West of the Airport. 474-9752 Called to complain about a yellow bi-plane flying over her house way too low. She asked that I follow up with the pikot and no need to call her back.
6/22 04:33 Shelly Lamb. 1116 Crane Hollow. 776-3783 Called to complain about a plane that took off realy early this morning and woke them up and now they are cranky. Called her back to discuss the issue.
6/28 15:15 Fiona and Geoff Collins. Hwy. 36 and Nelson Road. 444-4676 Called to complain about Mile-Hi climbing over their house all day long. It’s too obnoxious for them. I called them back to discuss and invited Geoff to a meeting we were having the following day about it.
6/29 11:50 Marilyn Wendell. 2202 Grant Street. 774-6303 Called to complain about low flying airplanes. I called her back to discuss and she said I was to blame and that if I showed up the rest of the government would show up and capture her Nothing I can do with this one.
7/4 10:30 Sally. Hover Park Wanted to know if Mile-Hi could fly some where else. No other info.
7/5 07:50 Deb Britton. Table Mountain. 303-912-3178 Called to complain about a bi-plane flying way too low over her house. Wants me to reeducate the pilots. Called her back to discuss the situation.
7/5 10:00 Cece. Hygiene. 720-771-8447. Called to complain about a number of noisy aircraft flying over her house and wanted me to call her back immediately. Called her back to discuss the situation.
7/6 12:00 Jim Ray. Vermillion Road. 523-3804 Called to complain about a small plane circling his house. Called him back to talk about it.
7/25 08:20 Vern TOnd. 5623 WCR 26. 970-488-9885 Called to complain about two bi-planes, one gold, one yellow, flying really low over the area several times. It scared his parents. He was also going to call FNL. Called hi8m back and discussed the situation and would try to find out who it was.
7/30 21:30 Cindy Condor, 6159 St. Vrain Road. 775-0108. Called to complain about an airplane just circling her house for about ½ hour tonight. Called her back to discuss the situation. Called her back to discuss the situation.
8/1 08:00 Laura Woods. Chance Acres west of Airport. 678-5913. Called to complain about a really loud airplane this morning just circling over the neighborhood for a long time. Called her back to discuss the situation.
8/1 08:45 Roxanne Bailin. 6743 Trevarton Lane. Called about the same as above and traffic generall lately. It’s gotten worse. Called her back to discuss the situation.
8/2 10:05 Kyle Muller. North 73rd Street. 678-5616. Called to complain about an airplane using a private strip on his neighbors land and wanted it to stop. Directed him to Boulder County Land Use dept.
8/8 10:15 Scott Crossman 970-532-0406 Called to complain about a blue biplane doing stunts over his house out near Lyons. I put him in touch with Stephanie at FAA
8/8 10:20 Jim Sampson. Lives at the intersection of Nelson and Hwy 36. 442-3533 Called about thee same as above. Same as above.
8/11 10:10 Ted Thompson. 678-7087. Pike Road Called to complain about MHSC taking off all day on Sunday and it’s real noisy. Put him in touch with Frank.
8/13 09:30 Sandra Smith. 776-2411. Intersection of Hover and 66. Called to complain about a yellow, sleek looking airplane flying below tree level and doing stunts. She said it only lasted a couple of seconds but it is not right for that to happen over her property Called her back to discuss the event.
8/16 14:00 David Soule. Mtn. View Estates. 774-1875. Called to complain about a small white plane doing touch and go’s creating a bunch of noise. I received 14 other complaints on this from all over the area by the airport, golden ponds and Hygiene. It was so bad that Mile-Hi and Twin Peaks called the guy via radio and asked him to leave. He did this for 15 minutes. After the radio call, the pilot said he would leave and departed to the southwest toward Boulder. Called back to explain what happened and to explain the airport does not condone that type of behavior.
8/16 14:05 Richard Lyons. Mtn. View estates. 651-1341 Same As Above Same
8/16 14:05 Jane Soule. Mtn. View Estates. 774-1875. Same As Above Same
8/16 14:05 Anna McBride. Mtn. View Estates. 678-1375 Same As Above Same
8/16 14:05 Clark Allen. Mtn. View Estates. 746-4663 Same As Above Same
8/16 14:10 Marie. Near airport. 834-9231 Same As Above Same
8/16 14:10 Annonymous. Golden Ponds Same As Above Same
8/16 14:10 Mr. Cory. 724 Wade Road. 772-1696 Same As Above Same
8/16 14:10 Ramona Richmond. Hygiene. 776-7246 Same As Above Same
8/16 14:15 Tom Taft. Mtn. View Estates. 772-7711 Same As Above Same
8/16 14:15 Lynda Smith. Nelson Park. 881-0980 Same As Above Same
8/17 17:50 Lynda Smith. Nelson Park. 881-0980 Called about MHSC general noise all day long on weekends. Wants to know what the City is going to do about it. She read the newspaper article. Called her back to discuss the situation.
8/19 10:00 Jane Shellenberg. St. Vrain Road. Called to complain about a jet taking off. Called her back to discuss. I identified the jet belonging to Mike Sevall. Informed the pilot.
8/19 10:00 Steve Strassburg. Chance Acres. 513-9222 Same as above Same as above.
8/23 09:00 Dianne Wood. 6981 St. Vrain Rd. 678-7456 Called to complain about a noisy aerobatic plane flying really low and loud over her house Called her back to discuss the situation.
8/23 09:05 Lynda Smit. Nelson Park. 881-0980 Called to complain about low flying, loud a/c all day long including the jump plane. Called her back to discuss the situation.
8/29 12:40 Dean Carpenter. Clover Basin. 440-6362 Called to complain about an air show airplane doing aerobatics too noisily. Called him back to advise about the Expo.
8/29 12:45 Glen Meringer. Clover Basin. 702-1021 Called to complain about an air show airplane doing aerobatics too noisily. Called him back to advise about the Expo.
8/29 13:00 Bill Frank. Clover Basin. 774-0622. Called to complain about an air show airplane doing aerobatics too noisily. Called him back to advise about the Expo.
9/2 14:00 Chuck Ponce. Purdue Drive. 776-0619 Called to complain about planes doing T&G’s over Purdue Drive instead of closer to the airport. He e-mailed me pictures. I called him back to discuss his situation.
9/4 11:10 Eli Greenberg. 970-532-5555 Called to complain about several low flying aircraft in his area by Carter Lake I called back to discuss the situation and get and provide additional information.
9/5 09:40 John and Carla Barrons. 720-494-1463. Called to complain about low flying aircraft and a light blue bi-plane in particular circling over their house. They want them to fly somewhere else. I called back to discuss the situation and get and provide additional information.
9/5 11:30 Carl. 530-0156. Called to complain about low flying aircraft this morning. I called back to discuss the situation and get and provide additional information.
9/6 09:30 Debra. 530-3828. Called to complane about a white bi-plane that flew about 100 feet above her barn and scared her horses and her too. She said it was really dangerous. I called back to discuss the situation and get and provide additional information.
9/7 16:10 Bob Short. Hwy 36 and Nelson. 823-5042. Called to complain about MHSC flying too loud every 30 minutes over the area. He said it’s to the point where he and his neighbors are going to band together to try and put a stop to it. I called back to discuss the situation and get and provide additional information.
9/14 10:55 Peter. Rennassaince Subdivision. 485-1144 Called to complain about a 4 plane formation flight that flew over his house twice way too low. He said it is dangerous and criminal. He said the planes were about 300 feet above his house and he could smell the jet fumes. He also called the police and FAA. He said he called MHSC and got no response back from them I called back to discuss the situation and get and provide additional information.
9/19 10:00 Lynda Smith. Clover Basin. 492-8351 Called to complain about MHSC all day yesterday and today. She said she is really frustrated and disappointed and that her neighbors are complaining to her too about the airport traffic pattern. I called back to discuss the situation and get and provide additional information.
10/19 09:00 Ralph. Meadowview. 651-6254. Called to complain about a yellow bi-plane doing t&g’s and was too low and loud. I called back to discuss the situation and get and provide additional information.
10/22 11:45 Rachel who lives in Meadow Vies. 651-6254 Called to complain about a yellow and black bi-plane that keeps doing T&G’s and is very loud. She said it’s high enough but really loud. She wants to know who informs the pilots of the regulations. I called back to discuss the situation and get and provide additional information.
10/24 10:43 Eric. 809 Grant Street. Called to complain about a dark helo that was buzzing old town and woke his kids and scared his animals. He said if it happens he will go further. I called back to discuss the situation and get and provide additional information.
Mrs. Allen. Twin Peaks Circle Called to complain about airplanes not following the NAP and flying in all different directions above the golf course. I called back to discuss the situation and get and provide additional information.
11/8 14:45 Clark Allen. Twin Peaks Circle. 776-4663 Called to complain about noise in general. Says the City is unwilling to address it. He said he had ear plugs in and a leaf blower going and could still hear it. He said he came into some money and is going to look at his legal options and hire an environmental lawyer. I called back to discuss the situation and get and provide additional information.
11/8 16:40 Julie Palmer. Clover Basin. 772-3145. Called to complain that the skydive plane is obnoxious and annoying and that it has been going on all weekend long. She asked that I give her the number to the FAA so she can call them directly. I called back to discuss the situation and get and provide additional information.
I also gave her the number to the FAA.
11/26 15:25 Jane Shellenberger. Called to complain about a red & yellow plane that flew about 30 feet above her house. She doesn’t like it and wanted to let me know. I called back to discuss the situation and get and provide additional information.
11/30 14:30 Mitch. Lives in Lyons. 819-6747. Called to complain about a red and yellow aerobatic plane doing stunts over his house. He said it was very dangerous and noisy. I called back to discuss the situation and get and provide additional information. I also gave him the FAA number as they are keeping track of the calls from Lyons.
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